Washington Family Photographer

Lifestyle newborn photos with older siblings

The biggest tips I can offer with older sibling engagement during a newborn photoshoot is patience and gentle expectations.  Welcoming a new family member is exciting, overwhelming, confusing and challenging for everyone but especially the older siblings. Learning how to share mom and dad can be such a hard lesson! The whole family dynamic changes

Lifestyle newborn photos with older siblings Read More »

Worried about pushing bedtime for a late night photoshoot? Let me help ease those worries!

As a mother of 3 young children myself, I can empathize with the worries of how children will behave during a photo shoot. There is a lot that goes into picking the day, location, outfits, and just making it to the session. The last thing I want you to worry about when showing up, is

Worried about pushing bedtime for a late night photoshoot? Let me help ease those worries! Read More »