River Goddess

“The moment a child is born, a mother is also born.”

Motherhood sessions hold an incredibly special place in my heart. I haven’t quite nailed down what exactly about them sets my soul on fire. But something does and I feel a creative high. I will drive home smiling ear to ear with joy.

I leave full of passion and I can’t wait to edit them. Maybe because I am a mother myself and so I set out to create images that I would want to hang on my wall.

I aim to capture moments that will stand the test of time. Images that bring you right back to how it felt during that season of life.

My hope is for this mama to look at these photos years later and remember her daughters love of find rocks, looking and listening for birds, swimming in the cold river, building dams and to be incredibly silly.

My goal and hope is to tell the story of how your life really felt during that season.



The idea of capturing fleeting, intimate details of the current season of your family’s life is one of my greatest passions. I’d like you to pause right now… and think about what you treasure most about this current season. Is it the way your son looks adoringly at your husband, or the way your daughter’s nose wrinkles when she laughs or maybe the way your baby’s head fits perfectly in the nook of your neck?

We never know what twists and turns life has in store for us, and I wholeheartedly believe preserving each season’s unique details is profoundly important.